G.V.W.R. 17,000 GVWR
Deck Length: 24 ft. (10 ft. fixed + 14 ft. 6 in. tilt deck with hydraulic cylinder)
Deck Height: 26 in.
Deck Width: 82 in. Between fenders
Electrical: Sealed wiring harness with lifetime LED lights
Frame: 6 in. Channel, with 3 in. channel cross members. 17 in. on center
Tongue: 8 in. Channel gooseneck
Tires: 215/75 R17.5
Floors: 2 in. Treated Wood
Coupler: 2 5/16 adjustable gooseneck coupler
Safety Chains: Heavy duty safety chains
Tilt deck
Tie Downs: Stake pockets and Rubrail
Fenders: Diamond plate fenders
Brakes: All wheel electric brakes
Wheels: Heavy duty steel wheels
Jack: 12,000 lb. Drop foot jack
Axles: 2-8,000 lb. e-z lube axles
Suspension: Slipper springs
Toolbox: Chain box with lockable toolbox
Finish: Primed, 2 coats of automotive grade enamel, pin striped
17K 7x24' K2 Trailers Gooseneck Tilt
website: www.k2-trailers.com
Visit us on Facebook www.facebook.com/k2trailers/
We carry Teton, Snake River, Diamond C, Big Tex, Walton, PJ Trailers and mini excavators/skid steers.
17,000 GVWR 24' Deluxe Gooseneck Tilt. 8,000lb axles. This is one stout trailer and one of our most popular. It will handle most if not all Skid steers and mini excavators out there. It has a nice large 10' stationary deck up front to hold implements or a second piece of equipment. Come check it out!
12" center crossmember spacing 6" channel main frame with 6" channel from axles forward. 8" channel uprights and neck Adjustable coupler, heavy duty 12K drop foot jack, heavy duty diamond plate fenders, stake pockets with rubric, and a toolbox with lockable lid. 8000 lb axles with heavy duty slipper spring suspension and radial tires. 16 ply H rated tires and solid steel 17.5" rims The treated wood floor is screwed down to every cross member. There is a 10 Ft fixed front section for hauling accessories. The tilting rear deck makes loading your equipment easy and safe with its hydraulic clamping system. The floor is even with the top of the frame for convenient side loading of palletized materials. Rubrail on the standard stake pockets, sealed modular wiring harness with lifetime LED lighting.
website: www.k2-trailers.com Visit us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/k2trailers/ Teton snake river diamond c big tex walton mini excavator skid steer pj trailers
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